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Dear Families,
Acquaintance Night
This year our Acquaintance Night will be held on Tuesday 18th February from 6pm – 7pm. We encourage families to come and meet the teachers and connect with other families. It is a great opportunity to find out about classroom routines and expectations. Once again we will have a passport for students to collect stamps from different subject teachers and finally collect a Zooper Dooper from the office from Ms Leah and myself.
If you would like to discuss your child’s learning please make contact with the class teacher and arrange a mutually suitable appointment time.
When: Monday 3rd March
Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Where: Staff Room - Building 1
The Governing Council for Le Fevre Peninsula Primary School must comprise of 8 elected parents of the school.
We have 5 vacancies available for nomination. Should there be more nominations than the number of vacancies to be filled, ballot conditions apply.
Tenures are for a maximum of 2 years.
If you are interested in being a member of our Governing Council, please see the front office for a Nomination Form.
Looking forward to seeing you on the night.
Upgrade to Building 3
Building works continue to progress well with demolition almost complete. The work on the new lift has begun and there is some inconvenience with further small areas being blocked off, however we continue to work with our builders to minimise disruption.
It is exciting to see the transformation.
School Vandals
Unfortunately over the weekend we had some vandals steal copper piping from 2 air-conditioning units in building 3. This resulted in both units being disabled for 2 of the hottest days of the year. Both room 16 and 14 were impacted. Miss Abby was able to use the Indonesian room as an interim classroom and room 16 shared the space with room 15. Thank you to the teachers and students who were impacted and their ability to be flexible. Both rooms air-conditioning were fixed by Wednesday afternoon.
Please do not hesitate to contact SAPOL if you witness any questionable behaviour on our site after hours.
Ensuring Student Safety to and from School
As we begin the new school year, many of our students are walking, riding or catching public transport to and from school. It’s a great opportunity to remind children about personal safety when traveling independently.
At school, we are reinforcing key messages with students about staying aware of their surroundings, walking with friends where possible, and knowing what to do if they ever feel unsafe. We encourage you to continue these conversations at home, reminding your children to be alert, take safe routes, and seek help from a trusted adult if needed. Taking out their mobile phones (if they have one) to contact SAPOL or a family member, if they ever feel unsafe, can also serve as a strong deterrent.
By working together, we can help ensure all students feel confident and safe on their way to and from school.
Thank you for your support.
Visitors to School
It is very important that if you are collecting your child early, volunteering or coming into school at a time that is not the beginning or end of a day, that you enter through the front office and sign in. We have an electronic sign in process in the front office on arrival. All visitors in the school should display a pink visitors sticker.
Children who need to leave early will be sent to the front office.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Diary Dates
Friday 7th March: Student Free Day
Thursday 27th February: School Enrolment Tour
Tuesday 4th March: SAPSASA Swimming Carnival
Monday 10th March: Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
Friday 21st March: Harmony Day
Tuesday 25th March: SAPSASA District Athletics Carnival
Monday 7th April - Wednesday 9th March: Yr 6 Mylor Camp
Please refer to our Term 1 planner for all other events and activities.

On Thursday Week 3, a group of Year 6 students participated in the Walk of Awareness to commemorate the anniversary of the 2008 National Apology to the Stolen Generations.

PE - Skipping Endurance Challenge
Skipping Endurance Challenge Result – Term 1.
Le Fevre Primary Students participated in the school skipping endurance challenge this term. We complete this challenge in week 2 of every term. Students set their own goal and try to skip for as long as they can without making a mistake.
We are excited to share that 19 people made it to a skipping club in Term 1.
Term 1 -2025 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
20 jumps |
1 min |
Kobie - 1:27 |
Luke - 1:17 |
2 min |
Ben - 2:06 |
Caidance - 2:28 |
Josh - 2:28 |
Amirah - 2:24 |
David - 2:34 |
Jackson - 2:19 |
Dana - 2:25 |
Jessica - 2:10 |
Briley - 2:08 |
Charlee - 2:02 |
3 min |
Zoey - 6:30 |
Wayne - 6:00 |
Connor - 3:05 |
Izzy - 3:25 |
Gray - 4:08 |
Kase- 7:04 |
Matthew - 3:00 |
2 new students have joined the Skipping Hall of Fame.
- Wayne in Year 5 skipped for 6 minutes
- Zoey in Year 4 skipped for 6 minutes and 30 seconds.
Kase skipped for 7 minutes and 4 seconds this term. He also has his own tricks and speed challenge to complete this year.
Congratulations to all the students who were persistent with learning how to skip and persistent with challenging themselves to join a skipping club. It is definitely not easy!
The Smith Family supports long term participation in education through the provision of timely opportunities and support, enabling students to optimise their educational outcomes and offers Learning for Life Scholarships and Programs.
The Learning for Life program works in partnership with families to support their children’s education and increase their chances of success at school. The program supports children’s education from primary to post-school studies.
Scholarships are awarded to students in financially disadvantaged families that have demonstrated their commitment to education and who would benefit from additional resources and support and who meet the referral criteria. To be eligible for the program, families are required to have a current Pension Concession or Health Care Card and demonstrate a strong commitment and engagement to education.
For further information on the Learning for Life Scholarship, please contact:
Leah Koen (Deputy Principal) or
Yolanda Martinez – Family Partnership Coordinator
0407 519 472